Friday, December 12, 2008

Leeds, ASDA, Rolls and Royce.

I had a story about these self-service checkouts at ASDA.. Ah, that's right. I put my last-day-at-work chocolate through the self service check-out at ASDA. I put all the chocolates over the scanner, put them in my bag and go to press 'Finish and Pay' on the touch screen. I was wearing gloves at the time, the computer wouldn't respond to my poking the screen. Under an acre of fluorescent lights I removed my glove for this poor machine to feel the human touch. Ha!

There's a plaque in the foyer of the Midlands Hotel, commemorating Mr Rolls and Mr Royce getting together over a beer and starting an automobile company.

The Corn Exchange. Leeds

Sheila's friend told her that 'Leeds? It's sh-t'. She also said that pretty much everywhere in England is sh-t. So we went to Leeds.

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