Imagine a world where every policy a government produces has to pass one of two tests to get implemented. The first test is to convince its political enemy and only real political competition to agree with any given policy, the second test is to get three disparate groups to agree with any given policy, but where two of them are usually engaged in outright warfare with each other as their respective constituencies come from literally opposite ends of the ideological spectrum.
Now imagine in such a world if the government proposed an Emissions Trading Scheme -- what do you think the chances would be of that government getting any given level of emissions reduction to pass one of those two tests? Unfortunately this world happens to be the one we live in, and the probabilities of passing either of those tests look a little like this:

Who lives in the real world? Fucking brilliant. I reckon you can plot any political disagreement between the major and minor parties like this. Questions: What is the positive limit on the domain of the Greens graph? Where does the self-stabbing knife lie? Does it flatten out like a High Plains Plateau?
(obviously it asymptotes at 100%.. Unless you live in North Korea. The Onion: 'Kim Jong Il's poularity drops to 120%')
In other news I heard that the science museum in London is going to put together an exhibit on Acorn computers. The BBC Micro! I'm getting on ebay.
Having said that, it's a bit shit that Rudd has to go the middle way. Leadership and (oratory style bleagh) and all that would skew the graphs, right? Get people pumped? If the rising of the seas was the only only thing to happen due to global warming, then bring it on. Turnbull's electorate would go under. Journalists like Piss Bolt who seem to take the world in mainly by big showy things like wars and the colour of people's skin and nice one, that asylum seeker got a TER of 99.8 that they would have to recognise that something was going on because now Malcolm has to attend the electorate's sausage sizzle in boardies. Sea: was here, now here. Underwater denial? Water Rats!
The paperboy steers the boat down the street. The rolled glad-wrapped Herald-Sun is lobbed over the hedge and sploshes into the front garden.
Can the ETS not be reviewed? Is this not a good start? Truman said 'We'll put our policies forward. If they don't work, we'll change them.'
Also, there will be a by-election going on in the district on Frome, I think all the Jerichos will be voting in that one. Apparently form 1930s - 1960s there was a bit of a discrepancy in power in that the liberal-voting farmers out-weighed the city voters 2-1, the same way that Tasmanians are the most electorally valuable people in Australia (samll population, same representation). When the Liberal Federation and the Country Party joined, the deal got even worse for the city-voting Labour.
from wiki:
By 1965, two-thirds of the population resided in the Adelaide Metropolitan area, yet those living outside it elected two-thirds of the House of Assembly members.
The Labor Party gained power under Frank Walsh, and in 1967, under Dunstan. However, they were defeated in 1968.
Dunstan. There is a statue of him with Bolte, near Treasury gardens in Melbourne. Glenn Richards wrote 'Bolte and Dunstan talk youth', and put it on 'Moo, you bloody choir'.
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