Saturday, February 26, 2011

Revolution across Muslim world spreads to Coburg

 Thousands of people demonstrated peacefully for political reform in the seat of Wills in Coburg and surrounds, and in Western suburbs on Friday, with opposition forces drawing the largest crowds since the weekly Friday protests began eight weeks ago. The opposition also expanded its demands.

CNN have made helpful little infographics here on their website to help people understand the delicate political situation developing outside Kozanoglu Pharmacy:

'We also demand that Kelvin Thompson resign. We have had enough of his shoddy leadership', protestor  Marouf al-Bakhit of the 'Coburg is pretty all right' group exclaimed.
The BBC's John Simpson has this on Kelvin Thompson: "He's not without his supporters, they appear regularly on SBS TV. But the obedience and total silence he has imposed on the suburb as a whole have come to an end."

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